
Sunday, July 30, 2017


Please query me first with a short bio with your interest and knowledge in technology and what you want to submit. It’s a broad topic, however, I am looking for reviews of products, or books;  improvements on old tech, or, a personal essay on how something worked for you (you must be specific with any descriptions or in comparison.)  Or, if the products has sold well and if you have attended conferences where this product has been introduced.  Are you now on  GoFundMe?

I like the outcomes to be positive.  Range of articles can be from 250-550 words. I am also interested in reprints.   Please send to    

For example, have you attended a tech seminar, or a conference such as CES? What stood out?  Or if you are an inventor or someone who is committed in some way to improving the lives of others with a technological advancement or a research project you are working on, Id love to hear about it.  

I’m looking for interesting stories which show us how technology can change lives, or has already changed yours or someone you know.

References on studies, etc. must be included.  You may reference anything related to the digital world of things   Non fiction only.  Submissions must be double spaced, with your name and address, phone number once query is approved.
 If you have any other ideas, query me. 

Best wishes,
Carolyn Rhodes, Editor
Casey J. Rhodes, Associate Editor

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