Americans illiterate who know nothing
about American history, geography, or politics? How would our soldiers feel?
(edited: 11/12/2014)
(edited: 11/12/2014)
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Daughter of Mike Spann, American Hero |
- If you do read, read the headlines of your local government happenings where you will get to know all about us, the United States of America, for whom our soldiers have died for our freedom time and again, war after war. Please don’t be a zombie. Be a proud American and give our soldiers a reason to serve.
Recently, a friend sent me a YouTube video where, at random,
students on the campus of Texas Tech were asked simple questions about this
country, its leaders and some of the most basic questions any American should
know the answer to. The results were shocking. Here
it is – expect to be shot out of cannon into the minds of this generation’s
college students -- space cadets.
All of these students knew
celebrities’ names, but not a one knew anything about the Civil War or our
Independence Day, date or year. I felt compelled to visit website in search of Texas Tech’s Mission Statement and
boy it sure had my blood boiling. I tried to place their students’ lack of
government and history knowledge into the college’s mission. Those interviewed did not fit their Mission
“’…to enhance the cultural and economic
development of the state, nation and the world.’”
I have always
believed mission statements were the essence of what a corporation or
university stands by. At this college, I’d ask how one can lead a
state, nation and the world with no comprehension about the country they live
in, this beautiful country for which our children have died for its freedom?
The good news for
Texas Tech is that a new student political organization, PoliTech, might
have enlightened the academics after the
exposed video on some not so smart students.
Will they stand by their mission
statement or change it to a lesser standard? Maybe a
course in freshman year for all majors would include American history and how
we formed a congress, senate and an executive branch and who our leaders are.
This is not the first time I witnessed American zombies in
real life interviews.
Jimmy Kimmel, a late night TV host, interviews people on the street at random.
Most of the time, it is hilarious, maybe it’s just dumb, but you get to laugh
when you hear answers or blank stares to elementary questions One night, I was absolutely horrified. Not one out of the 10 plus interviewees knew
the answer to, “Who is Joe Biden?” One out
of 10 responded slowly, “Isn’t he the President’s assistant? It’s
just funny – maybe because it’s really tragic and embarrassing.
I decided to find out where the “smart Americans are.” But the
road kept leading back to the historically and politically challenged.
Here’s a good one
from the lunch room scholars at a high school.
I’d like to think their brains are on half empty before eating for
thought but I think it is just on a “don’t know, don’t care, or who?” basis accompanied by a shrug and a raised eyebrow. Here’s a sampling from this diverse
“Can you tell me what
states border the United States?” Ah, let‘s
see now. He ponders and then asks, “South America?” Apparently, he didn’t have a clue that is a
“What was the war America gained its Independence?” And “Who won the Civil War?” Try for example
as an answer, “America!” for Civil War and only one student knew the
Revolutionary War gave us our independence.
As for the year of any of these two, let’s just say most of the responses were in the wrong century.
My final YouTube video in search of “ the smart
people” in America lead me once again to to yet another video, entitled, "Idiocracy." Mike Dice, author and activist, brought his questions to the viewers on a pathway overlooking the Pacific Ocean. It was breathtaking, the sun and blue skies overhead. The people looked
ordinary and yes, smart enough. Could they
answer the question who lives in the White House?
Who is Obama?” After
several of the “haven’t a clue,” with a twitch of apathy, Mike thanked his “ zombies,” for being “morons” and that’s when I had to
laugh out loud. The laugh soon turned
into a shaking of the head and total embarrassment.
If you don’t know the
answers, google the question! If you
don’t know how to use a computer notebook, tablet, smart phone– get one of
these. A world will open up to you. OK, if you don’t read, you can listen at the very least to the news of the day. There is usually one official name or another you can learn about.
If you do read, read
the headlines of your local government news where you will get to know all about us, the United
States of America. This is the country you are privileged to live in whose soldi soldiers
have died for our freedom time and again, war after war. Please don’t be a zombie.
Be a proud American and give our soldiers someone to be proud of -- the people they serve.
Be a proud American and give our soldiers someone to be proud of -- the people they serve.
(for the Mike Dice interviews)